Post by tibikeguy on Dec 8, 2013 5:44:42 GMT -5
It seems like new moderators are needed for this forum. Spam threads that are not relevent to BikeE has started to pop up and no one is doing anything about them.
Admin (last login Mar 27,2008) and Robin Parkes (last login Jun 6,2012) doesn't seem to come back to the forum. PM to them have got no response. I'm the moderator for other forums and we ban and delete spam posts regularly otherwise, they pollute the forum
Post by Timothy on Apr 15, 2014 4:03:21 GMT -5
This is pretty much a dead forum and has been for years I'm sad to say. To bad, I see a lot of people riding BikeEs around still. They are of a very good design and a great bike to ride.
Timothy O~\o
Post by Robin Parkes on Sept 6, 2014 5:43:39 GMT -5
I have been in and cleaned out the garbage. I have not been around due to personal reasons but I will try and keep the board going. I bought my first BikeE CT with DualDrive in 2002 just before they went belly up. I covered over 1,000 miles on it before going back to an upright. I then really missed my BikeE so swapped my Dawes Galaxy for an older version with a 3x7 setup. I even managed to get the sweet seat it came with welded up but it didn't ride anything like my first BikeE. Fierce drag. I managed to ride 500 miles on it. It's now in the south of France. I took angina and got stents in in December 2006 and that has affected my riding among other things. I then went back to an upright but not before introducing 'tutorblack' to the joys of BikeE riding by giving him a test ride on mine. I have the loan of his BikeE while he is on holiday until the end of October. I then thought I'd look into the BikeE Pages. I have banned some members and deleted other accounts. I had asked the owner of the pages to look for another administrator but he never replied.
I'd appreciate it if you would respond as soon as you get reading this post. I'm back and will keep a good eye on the pages from now on. BTW I live in Northern Ireland, a veritable backwater for 'bents. I have ridden all the BikeEs that have come to this province; all three of them. One friend rides an HP Velotechnik Street Machine. I have seen an LWB 'bent in the north of the province and a hand powered recumbent tricycle and that's about it.
Post by kohanmike on Jul 27, 2015 2:56:12 GMT -5
Hi Robin, I'm new to the forum, but I've had a BikeE CT for about 10 years. I bought a bent because I have nerve damage in my neck and shoulders from radiation treatments for cancer in 1973, so I can't sit over the top of the handle bars, bents are much better for me. The radiation treatments also damaged my coronary and coradit arteries and I had to get stents too, though three of the coronaries are now permanently closed. Since then I've added an electric motor to my BikeE since I can't exert myself too much now. Would like to show everyone the setup with a custom lithium battery that fits into the main beam. I hope someone is still keeping active here.
Post by Robin Parkes on Jul 29, 2015 9:00:47 GMT -5
Hi Robin, I'm new to the forum, but I've had a BikeE CT for about 10 years. I bought a bent because I have nerve damage in my neck and shoulders from radiation treatments for cancer in 1973, so I can't sit over the top of the handle bars, bents are much better for me. The radiation treatments also damaged my coronary and coradit arteries and I had to get stents too, though three of the coronaries are now permanently closed. Since then I've added an electric motor to my BikeE since I can't exert myself too much now. Would like to show everyone the setup with a custom lithium battery that fits into the main beam. I hope someone is still keeping active here. I regret that the BikeE Pages are rarely visited these days. You are doing very well considering all that you have gone through and I trust you will manage to keep going on your BikeE. I have been troubled with back pain and have had angina for nine years and have a stent. The BikeE is the one means of me getting out on a bike. I would recommend www.bentrideronline.com for it is still very much active. I live in Northern Ireland so am not familiar with the 'bent scene in America. I've been involved with the BikeE since 2002. I've gone back to the 'dark side' a few times but just can't stay away from recumbents. The BikeE is the one recumbent allowed on our trains due to it being no longer than an upright. I can manage to turn it into the bike storage area without any difficulty. Regards, Robin.